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Richley Headstone

This is the first of a series of Edwardian Glass plates (Glass plates were the negative form of what we now know as photographs. Later there were celluloid negatives and today we are used to electronic tifs and jpegs with our digital cameras. These images were produced using large and cumbersome cameras which involved people sitting for periods of time and developing the wet plate negative within fifteen minutes of the image being captured) These 45 plates kindly loaned to us by Michael Garbutt which feature Loftus people, places and situations. Bill Dobson Images kindly ensured the best possible images for viewing. Please enjoy them all. If you can identify people, places or situations, please comment.

Image courtesy of Michael Garbutt.

Large Group in Field

This is the same image as the other of this title (later in the Archive) but note the little dog hiding under the ladies skirts in the front row.

Image courtesy of Michael Garbutt.