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Maypole Dancing in Carlin How Square (1980s)

The title says it all really; but do you know any of the people here? the photograph was possibly taken at the end of the Square, after new road had been opened and before fencing for the pedestrian crossing had been installed?
Image courtesy of Raymond Brown.

Three Chums in the back of Lax Street, Carlin How

Bill Harrison, Les Sayers and Jack Welburn, all resident in Wood Street in the late 1950s. Derick Pearson commented: “These three lads all lived in Wood street at the time of the photograph (late 1950s); the photograph was taken outside the top house of the row at the back of Lax Street which ran up the side of the railway fence and had Front Street rear at right angles to it. There was a path called the Black ash which ran up the front of the row.”

Image courtesy of Carlin How Community Centre (also part of a cd produced by Derick Pearson), thanks to Derick Pearson for the update.

Carlin How Tennis Team (1950′s)

Proud winners of their trophy, Carlin How Tennis Team pictured on their tennis court, this image is from a collection compiled by Derick Pearson in the 1980s.

Left to right: ?? , ?? , Freda Harrison (nee Marshall), Bill (Lemon) Harrison (crane driver at the steelworks), ?? , Edgar Scott, Charlie Webster (electrical shop), George Smith.

Image courtesy of  Carlin How Community Centre, thanks to to Derick Pearson for the update.

Bells Huts Beauty

There was a caption with this image, informing the viewer that this was Helen Hutchinson and it was taken about 1905. Bells Huts were built to house ironstone miners by Losh, Wilson and Bell who in 1857 made the first attempt at ironstone mining in East Cleveland – opening two adits to the north and north-east of Skinningrove. Helen was the mother-in-law of Stan Ward (a local painter and decorator, also Stan was locally famed for having been a POW in Germany). Jan Dunning advised: “This is my great aunt; Ellen Hutchinson born in 1892 in Middlesbrough. She could well have been there in 1905 as her grandfather, Michael Hutchinson lived at Number 15.The only photograph I have of her is her wedding photograph with her husband Joe Reed.”

Image courtesy of ”Around Loftus”; compiled by Jean Wiggins, also thanks to Derick Pearson and Jan Dunning for the update information.

Brian Harrison and Gran (1957)

This young fella got a trike before I did – I was about 8 when I got my first bike!  My gran used to wear a smock as well! Where was the image taken – and which Brian Harrison is it – oh and what was the name of his gran? (I just know I’m going to regret this!)

Derick Pearson told us: ” This Brian Harrison was one of 3 brothers, John was another”. Whilst Rita Beckham told us: ”This photograph was taken outside the front of Lax Street, where the brick air-raid shelters stood. Mrs Harrison (I can’t remember her first name) had three children, youngest is Billie, Minnie the sister in the middle, Brian the eldest boy married and lived in Guisborough) and lived at no 32. We lived at 31 in a two up and two down; there were six children, mam, dad and gran. Next door down at no 30 was Lizzie and George Bilham, then at no 28 there were the Tinklers, at no 26 Ruby Campbell and family. Sure if I had time I could remember the rest of the residents of the street.” Keith Harrison added the final update: “The lady is my grandmother, Mary Harrison with my cousin Brian as stated by Derek Pearson. Mary had three children Ronald (Ronnie my dad), Bill (Brian’s dad) and Minnie. Ron married my mother Pat Cowen in 1947 and lives in Guisborough. They have 3 children Keith (me), Susan and Jane.

Image courtesy of Brian Harrison and thanks to Derick Pearson, Rita Beckham and Keith Harrison for the updates.

Nellie Porritt, Husband Reg and Family

Derick Pearson told the Archive: ”This local beauty (top left) is none other than Nellie Porritt, who owned the shop in Carlin How square (which used to be the Skinningrove Amicable Society or Co-op many years before). Nellie was photographed by many and is even on some photographs with some of the ex-actors who performed at the Tivoli Theatre. Nellie’s husband Reg who was a United bus driver for many years is pictured beside her. Nellie was 100 years old when she died, the shop having been run for many years prior to her death by her daughter Betty Pennock. Others in the photograph could include Tom Thornton (Nellie’s brother) who also had a shop in Grosvenor Terrace.”

Ronnie Coxall advises: ”I think the lady fifth from the left, back row is Winnie Gettings (nee Lacey) who lived at 14 Mount Pleasant, where I lived from 1941 to 1946.”

Janet Price says: ”My mother lived in Carlin How and her parents owned the shop in Grosvenor Terrace until they retired and her sister Jenny and Tom Thornton took over.  My grandparents were called Reeve.  On the above photo my mother is seated bottom row fifth from left and I think it is her sister seated bottom right first in line (Jenny) and my father is John Gibson is at the back 4th from left (I think).”

Many thanks to Derick Pearson for the primary information, also thanks to Ronnie Coxall and Janet Price for the updates.

I Like Pies, Me!

Left to right are Bill Harrison, Tom Miller, Bob Goldby, Harry Dack, Geoff Rispin, and Stan Ward as they with Rosettes, next to the biggest table of pies I’ve ever seen.  What was the event, where and when is the next one – I love pies, me!

Image courtesy of George Nicholson.

Blind Mr & Mrs Jacobs of Carlin How Dairy 1940s

Mr and Mrs Jacobs photographed in the 1940s (hence the taped lattice on the windows – in case of bombing – reducing the spread of broken glass), Mr Jacobs was almost totally blind hence the descriptive title. The dairy was at the bottom of Grosvenor Terrace on Brotton Road, in the same block as the Working Men’s Club, next to Swinnerton’s Chemists Shop.

Image from a collection compiled for Carlin How Community Centre by Derick Pearson, thanks to Derick for full information and details of the image.

Outside Richelieu’s Shop, Carlin How Square, 1912

This image arrived to the Archive already titled, since then Derick Pearson reports: ”The owner of the Maynard Arms had carts/traps for hire, it being a popular business; there were coaching stables at the rear of the Maynard Arms in earlier times. The  shop at the extreme left of the picture was part of the Skinningrove Amicable Society Ltd, where miners/steelworkers could exchange tokens for goods. Latterly this became known as Porritt’s shop, being run by Nellie and then her daughter Betty Pennock. The shop to the right is Richelieu’s Post Office, Printers and Photographer (producing Richelieu Typo Postcards for many years); it continued as a Post Office later being run by Ivy Bassendale. The altered house in between was at one time Websters Barbers Shop. Interestingly the horse and trap are standing exactly where in later years the United buses bust stop was placed, when buses ran through Carlin How Square”.

Image courtesy of Carlin How Community Centre, many thanks to Derick Pearson the information update.

Air Raid Wardens 1939

It all has a bit of an air of Dad’s Army about it, and these guys and gals might have got everybody’s backs up with their ”Put that light out”, but they did a sterling job of work all the same – and I seem to remember they were always last to the shelters. Seated middle of second row: Ivy Bassendale and is that her husband standing behind her? John Michael Watson tells us: “Middle row, second left is my Aunt Alice Watson, fourth left is my Aunt Annie Watson. They had three other sisters, Gladys (the eldest), Ethel and Bessie. They had a younger brother; my Father John Henry Carlton Watson, known simply as Harry. Aunt Gladys, Annie and Alice had a cake and bread shop in the main street, Alice always did the icing on the cakes!”

Names todate; back row: Ray Appleton, ??, Tom Bassindale, ??, ??.

Middle row: ??, Alice Watson, Ivy Bassindale, ??, Annie Watson, ??.

Front row: ??, ??.

Can anybody put any names to the faces?

Image courtesy of John MIchael Watson, thanks to John Michael Watson and Brian Jemson for the update.