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Zetland Road, Loftus

A Skilbeck postcard from about 1948, viewing Zetland Road towards West Road.  The butcher’s shop on the left was Featherstone’s, next the Misses Griffiths (Ladies wear), then Daisy Dairy, the opening to the rear of Zetland Road, Maggie Rivets (Hairdressers), Medds (Cakes and Confectionery), Lengs (Ladies and Gents Hairdressers), Gartons (Shoes) and lastly the Cosy Cafe (Violet Husband). Across the road started with Prossers, then Walter Wilson, Goldbys, Skilbeck’s Stationers (and of postcard fame), Trinders, Swales (Fruiterers), entrance to the Commercial Hotel, John Dawson Robinsons (Iron- mongers and hardware), Eatons (Furnishings, etc) and finally Leggs (Ladies and Gents outfitter). Derick Pearson tells us: “Eatons started in the early 1920s as a Pawnbrokers on North Road and moved down to Zetland Road; they used this shop as a Draper, Furnishers, Fancy Goods and Carpet suppliers and were rivals to Trinders; Uptons took them over in the 1960s. Legg Bros did a Mobile service taking items to the local farming community and outlying villages too. Golbys and this was later taken over by Walter Wilson as they extended the shop.”

Image courtesy of Eric Norton; after consultations thanks for updates to Derick Pearson, Jean Wiggins and others.

2 comments to Zetland Road, Loftus

  • Elizabeth Marsh

    Can anyone tell me what type of shop Goldbys was? Could it have been a Toy Shop? I believe it was at 9 Zetland Road, was run by William Goldby and may have closed circa 1969. Any information on the shop or William would be welcome. Could William be the W. Goldby in the picture of the Carlin Howe Scouts first aid team in the 1920s that is also on this website? I think he served in the Loftus Royal Observer Corp during WWII.

  • Carolyn Richards

    Goldbys was a tobacconist, sweets and fancy goods (as they were then called) shop. Decorative items and gifts. Not so much toys. Goldbys was owned by Uncle William ‘Billy’ Goldby and was closed on his retirement around 1969. I don’t think he’s one of the boy scouts in the picture you mention. I’m comparing them to a photograph I have of him as a young adult in 1930 and the facial features seem too different. I’m afraid I can’t confirm that he did serve in Loftus Observer Corp during the war, but it is very likely.

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