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Celebration No. 7

Mrs Kearney’s class at Loftus Junior School are featured. Back row:  Christian Marsay, Lindsay Appleton, Andrew Sawdon, Vicky Plews, Glen Morrison, Kelly Taylor, Adam Waugh, Rachel Stonehouse.

Middle row: Hannah Boyes, Anna Mussett, Daniel Longstone, Emily Davis, Kimberly Sanderson

Front row: Ben Crooks, Catherine Ryder, Karl Libby, Mrs Y. Keaney, Stephen Lyndsay, Kirsty Middleton, Robert Hodgson.

Are you in this photograph?
Image courtesy of Marian Toulson, many thanks to Melissa Ellis, Robert Hodgson and Adam for the updates.

4 comments to Celebration No. 7

  • melissa

    top left Christian Marsay, ??,??, Vicky Plews, Glen Morrison, Then possibly Kelly Taylor, ??, ??
    Middle row ??,??, Daniel longstone, ??, Kimberly sanderson
    Bottom row ??,?? Karl Libby, ??,??,??,??

  • melissa

    Catherine ryder and kirsty Middleton bottom row
    robert hodgson bottom right
    ben crooks bottom left
    hannah boyes middle left

  • Robert Hodgson

    Back row:  Christian Marsay, ??, Andrew Sawdon, Vicky Plews, Glen Morrison, Kelly Taylor?, Adam Waugh (I think that’s how it’s spelt) , Rachel Stonehouse.

    Middle row: Hannah BOYES, Anna Mussett, Daniel Longstone, ??, Kimberly sanderson

    Front row: Ben Crooks, Catherine Ryder, Karl Libby, Mrs Y. Keaney, Stephen Lyndsay, Kirsty Middleton, Robert Hodgson.


    Back row 2nd – isn’t that lindsay Appleton?
    Middle row 2nd end – Emily Davis

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