Taken in the 1950’s on a Kodak Brownie box camera this image of the fishermen on the quayside at Whitby brings back memories of a time past which many will remember. Taken by and sent to the Archive by Brian Hudson; he was born in East Cleveland and now resident in Australia. He has lived all over the world, living in Liverpool and Middlesbrough many of his Cleveland images are housed in Teesside Archives collection.
Image and notation courtesy of Dr. Brian Hudson (Queensland University of Technology).
The 50’s were still very busy days in Whitby for the fishing industry. I remember the fish sales near the quay and the many smokeries that left that fishy burning smell around the town! Spent many visits to Whitby with my parents and often walked round the town with a newspaper cone of winkles! Only trouble is that the “caps” always stuck to your fingers and wouldn’t come off!!